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逾期资讯 72℃


\"Flower Wallet\" and the Overdue \"Lord of the Rings\"

\"Flower Wallet,\" a popular Chinese peer-to-peer lending platform, has recently come under scrutiny for its handling of a loan default related to a crowdfunding campaign for a \"Lord of the Rings\"-themed board game. The campaign, which raised over 3 million yuan (roximately $465,000) from more than 6,000 investors, was meant to fund the production of the game, which was to be based on J.R.R. Tolkien's classic fantasy series.

However, the game's developer, Hangzhou Xiaoxiang Network Technology Co., Ltd., failed to deliver the game within the promised timeframe, leading to the loan default on Flower Wallet. According to reports, the developer had been struggling financially and was unable to complete the project as planned.

The situation has sparked concerns among investors and regulators alike, as questions have been raised about the transparency and risk management practices of crowdfunding platforms like Flower Wallet. As a result, the company has reportedly suspended all new crowdfunding projects and is working to address the issues raised by this case.

While crowdfunding has become a popular way for small businesses and entrepreneurs to raise capital, incidents like this serve as a reminder of the risks involved, both for investors and for the platforms themselves. As the industry continues to evolve and mature, it will be important for all stakeholders to work together to ensure that crowdfunding remains a viable and trustworthy option for those seeking funding and those looking to invest.



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