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Does Drinking Tea Affect Gastrointestinal Health for People with Poor Digestion? Exploring the Pros and Cons.


普洱茶 28℃


Does Drinking Tea Affect Gastrointestinal Health for People with Poor Digestion? Exploring the Pros and Cons.


1. 刺激胃酸分泌增加:茶叶中含有咖啡因,咖啡因可刺激胃黏膜细胞分泌胃酸,过量的怎么说胃酸刺激胃壁,容易引起胃痛、胃炎等症状。

Does Drinking Tea Affect Gastrointestinal Health for People with Poor Digestion? Exploring the Pros and Cons.

2. 加重胃酸反流:茶叶中的大家咖啡因和茶碱等物质具有放松食道括约肌的这个作用,长期饮茶会增加胃酸反流到食道的对几率,引发胃食道反流病,引起胸骨后灼热感、咳嗽等症状。

3. 扩张胃壁:咖啡因和茶碱具有刺激肠道运动的题目作用,长期饮茶可能致使胃壁过度扩张,作用消化功能,引发胀气、胃胀、腹痛等不适感。

Does Drinking Tea Affect Gastrointestinal Health for People with Poor Digestion? Exploring the Pros and Cons.

Does Drinking Tea Affect Gastrointestinal Health for People with Poor Digestion? Exploring the Pros and Cons.

4. 阻碍营养吸收:茶叶中的健单酸、儿茶素等物质具有收缩作用,易于与食物中的不存在维生素、矿物质结合,形成难以吸收的那么化合物,作用人体对营养物质的经常吸收效果。

5. 干扰肠道菌群平:茶叶中的养胃咖啡因、鞣酸等成分具有杀菌作用,长期饮茶可能对肠道内的英语有益菌群产生作用,致使肠道菌群失,进而作用肠道消化功能。

Does Drinking Tea Affect Gastrointestinal Health for People with Poor Digestion? Exploring the Pros and Cons.

6. 刺激腹泻:茶叶中的会对咖啡因具有促进肠道蠕动作用,过量饮茶可能引发腹泻,特别是对本来就肠胃不好的可以喝人而言,茶叶中的发酵咖啡因容易引发肠胃蠕动过快,诱发腹泻。

7. 预防铁贫血:茶叶中的红茶茶多酚等物质有可能干扰铁的引起吸收,长期大量饮茶会作用身体对铁质的以喝吸收利用,易引起贫血。

Does Drinking Tea Affect Gastrointestinal Health for People with Poor Digestion? Exploring the Pros and Cons.
